A Stanford Graduate School of Business led initiative whose mission is to end the cycle of
global poverty by helping entrepreneurs build thriving enterprises that transform lives.
STP is a 12 month leadership program designed exclusively for founders and their teams, and brings together entrepreneurs from diverse businesses across South Asia and Africa.
Seed Transformation

A Stanford Graduate School of Business led initiative whose mission is to end the cycle of
global poverty by helping entrepreneurs build thriving enterprises that transform lives.
STP is a 12 month leadership program designed exclusively for founders and their teams, and brings together entrepreneurs from diverse businesses across South Asia and Africa.

Indian Achievers Forum
brings together individuals, entrepreneurs, businessmen, educationists and activists on a common platform and honors them for their exceptional work with awards in different categories.
This award is for thought leadership and contribution to education.

CII is publishing an e-book profiling 100 women achievers in STEM with the objective of encouraging more women to participate in STEM and contribute to the technological advancement in India.
This initiative is led by CII in partnership with TNTDPC and IIT Madras as Knowledge Partner.

Led by renowned professor Tarun Khanna, this Executive Education program draws on research from his book 'Winning in Emerging Markets' co-authored with Krishna G. Palepu.
An intense 4 day course that covers case studies of established global companies and innovative startups with stimulating discussions and reflections.